Monday, May 19, 2014

Why hobbits are the best and my neighbor Richard is an asshole.

The other day I was watering my mushroom garden (which i use to lure hobbits into my hobbit net) when my neighbor Richard walked into my yard and said, " Oh i'm such an asshole and would like for you to come over to my house to watch a basketball with me because basketball contains exactly no hobbits and hobbits aren't real because they don't exist because i'm an asshole because hobbits don't exist". After such a mockery of my life's work involving hobbits, I got up, and with furious fury i gently nudged him off of my property and softly whispered into his ear, "fuck you" and walked into my hobbit hole where my girlfriend, a life sized cardboard cutout of a female hobbit cleric, was waiting for me. After several hours of smoochin up on my girl, i ate some paprika and fell asleep.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

why i cry a lot

The other day i was going on a drive to the local supermarket to buy some mushrooms for my dinner which mostly consists of mushrooms and more mushrooms and paprika, i was wearing my skin tight shirt that said, "NO NOT HOBBITS" which was used to deter all of the "not hobbits" babes from totally hitting on me. As i was at the cash register and buying my mushrooms and paprika, the cashier said, "Oh, I'm a stupid idiot and think that hobbits are only in movies and books, so I am going to compliment your sweet skin tight shirt, that says "NO NOT HOBBITS", by saying that i liked those movies and not the real hobbits in real life that exist and are real and I'm a stupid idiot." He clearly wasn't thinking straight so, with the fury of a hobbit, i smacked his face. After that ordeal i had realized that everyone was watching me and ready to call the cops. So i did what any sane hobbit enthusiast would do, i screamed,  "HOBBITS ARE REAL" and ran to my car, crying, and went home, only to realize that i forgot the mushrooms but remembered the paprika. so while i was eating my dinner of only paprika and tears i decided to get revenge on the world by proving the existence of hobbits by becoming a hobbit.

Monday, March 31, 2014

why the Nazgul are a bunch of pussies

In everybody's favorite, lord of the rings, we find our valiant hobbit friends out and about in Bree, land of the not hobbits, when out of no where Frodo gets stabbed by a black cloaked man, people are under the misconception that the Nazgul could have killed all of them if it weren't for Aragorn, but they are wrong. Frodo, naturally as a hobbit had the power of ten Nazgul times Sauron, was clearly holding back and allowed himself to be stabbed so he could become immune to the poison they were armed with. Everybody knows that the hobbits only weakness is the poison dagger, and now that Frodo is immune to the poison he is now immortal.

Friday, March 14, 2014

why hobbits are the superior race

Being the undisputed authority on hobbits, it pains me to see people consider humans or elves to be the dominate race. It doesn't take a doctorate in Hobbitology to realize that the race, superior to all, is hobbits. Hobbits should have supreme control of all middle earth, not those pussy ass elves. I believe a hobbit, by the name of Hamsong Itletr described all races as, "Inferior to hobbits, they should be sent away for soiling our Hobbit world with their impurity. Now, being "The supreme voice on hobbits"(New Hobbiton Times) I do enjoy reading the works of H. Itler, however, even without one of my favorite intellectuals, discussing hobbit supremacy, the argument is still very obviously correct.

Monday, March 10, 2014

why hobbits should be taught in schools

I consider myself to be a fairly intellectual individual, and we have to accept the fact that our children are being raised and taught to be degenerates, however, there is a way to combat our future adults from being complete assholes. In order to raise the standard of education we simply must have entire courses dedicated to hobbits, that's right. I went around town and asked people what they knew about hobbits, considering myself an authority on the subject, no one was as smart as me so they were all idiots. Unlike me, none of the people i asked either knew about hobbit geography, physiology, or wanted to talk to me. I then came up with the very good conclusion that hobbits aren't being taught in our schools. So i decided to use my vast amount of fans to help me reform education.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

If I were a hobbit

If i were a hobbit my name would be Brumples Baggins, i would be 7 foot tall and get all of the babes because i would be the tallest hobbit. I would be best freinds with a wookie named Chunllllllles and we would high five a lot. My car would be made of the finest animal furs imported from africa and go 1 million miles every quarter of a second. I would wear a tuxedo every day even though i would be an assassin, my partner in assassinating shit would be a giant velociraptors made of regular sized velociraptors glued together using elmers children safe glue, but he always falls apart so i have to glue him back together, i offer him to get the stronger glue but he says not to, I am a hobbit, velociraptors are very polite and dont want me to go out of my way to get more glue, it is really no big deal, it would only take me like 5 minutes. I would also have lazer vision because all hobbits have lazer vision.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

why hobbits don't wear shoes

Hobbits don't wear shoes because FUCK SHOES, also they dont need them because they have furry feet.

Monday, March 3, 2014

hobbits in harry potter

harry potter would be better with hobbits

hobbits are very good

hobbits are so cool, they make me very happy. If hobbits were not around i would probably get sad and cry all the time, thankfully there are many hobbits in the realm of my imagination. who needs freinds when you can have an imaginary adventure with bilbo baggins in the land of hobbiton in the shire.

Friday, January 24, 2014

my open suggestions for future science fiction picture shows

Dear assholes
      it has recently come to my attention that disney has purchased Lucasfilm, i for one am exited for future releases of the much anticipated "Star Trek 7 The Wrath of the TARDIS" and i wanted to give some of my expert suggestions on how to not make it suck. My first suggestion is to put more hobbits in the film. I remember walking into Star Wars thinking that it was a fantasy movie. Turns out that i was wrong, when the credits finally rolled i was so disappointed that i stood up booed as loud as i could and threw my popcorn at the screen, I even had to be escorted out by the security and spend the night in jail. The phrase "THERE'S NO HOBBITS!!!", can still be heard in the theater. To prevent people from doing this i suggest that you:
1.) Replace all of the Ewoks with hobbits
2.) Replace all male characters with hobbits
3.) Replace all female characters with elves and constantly refer to them as "not as good as hobbits"
4.) Instead of being a space movie make it solely take place in Hobbiton
5.) Lastly rename it, "Hobbits in the hood"
These are just a few of my many suggestions to make your franchises fit my broad demographic, but if you like to disappoint fans then you don't have to.

i like hobbits

     I really like hobbits, they are cool as shit. They say that elves are the best race among men, but they are wrong. Elves don't live in holes like hobbits do, hobbits live in hobbit holes. Whenever they get to Rivendell in the books i say "FUCK YOU!!!" to Elrond because he is an elf and not a hobbit. Whenever i talk to people about hobbits they say "oh yeah Gandalf is pretty cool." and i agree with them thinking that they are talking about the band Gandalf, and since Gandalf isn't a hobbit he sucks. Gandalf doesn't suck as much as Strider or Gimli because he is a hobbit sympathizer and that somewhat makes up for not being a hobbit.